Sofia’s housekeeping tips – stain removal

stain removal

The expectations on cleaning and cleaning routines increases all the time even though there are fewer guests in the hotels. More textiles than normal are used during Christmas and New Year that incur stains. Here are our tips on how to deal with it to avoid table covers, napkins, aprons etc going into waste.

Carefully remove the excess mustard or salad dressing with the edge of a dull knife, a cooking turner or even the edge of a credit card. Avoid rubbing the stain as it will make things worse when the mustard is absorbed by the fibers of the fabric. Wash as soon as possible.

For difficult stains such as saffron or dried blood you may need use the paste of baking soda (bicarbonate) on the stain. Mix the baking soda with a few drops of water to get a loose paste that can be applied on the stain. Wait for a while and wash as usual or alternatively finish with a microfiber cloth.

Stains from mulled wine or red wine on upholstery fabric such as furniture, chairs etc are effectively removed by wiping up excess fluid with an absorbent cloth. Use white wine if available or for stubborn stains cover them with salt that is allowed to dry and brush off.

Remember: stains are easier to remove if delt with immediately. Another good environmentally friendly option made from only natural substances is the bile soap that is highly effective for stain removal.

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